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Mental Health Training for Managers


Mental Health Training

Our Mental Health Training for Managers programme provides your managers with the confidence to deal with mental health issues in their teams. While work is considered good for our overall quality of life, workplace stress and anxiety can have the opposite effect.

The best managers know the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and have the confidence to take a proactive approach to supporting their team members. This mental health training programme enables your managers to develop strategies and approaches that will help your people stay well and in work.

Enquire about our mental health training for managers today or download our training pack below.

Training delivery options

60 Minute Broadcast

Give your managers an understanding of mental health and how poor mental health can impact their team members.

  • Discover the indicators of poor mental health in the workplace
  • Hear about the key skills required to start a conversation with someone they are concerned about
  • Build confidence and learn strategies and approaches to support individuals in their team

90 Minute Virtual Workshop

Provide your managers with the confidence to deal with mental health issues in their teams.

  • Increase their knowledge around common mental health conditions
  • Recognise the early indicators of poor mental health
  • Be set up for action – learn how to have mental health and wellbeing conversations and develop strategies for supporting their team members

Face to Face

We know that there are times when only in-person training and support will do. Face-to-face training for small groups is available for our Mental Health Awareness for Managers programme.

  • Packed with exploration and discussion alongside practical tips and techniques
  • Full day or half day workshops available
  • Enquire today to discuss your requirements


“I need to remember to question if I am looking after myself too. As a line manager I tend to forget about me and just focus on looking out for my team. The course reminded me that we all need to be energised before we do anything - and actually I will be better able to support my team if I am more energised and resilient myself.”


“The session managed to balance really specific, personal insight whilst keeping the whole group engaged and interested. Everyone felt comfortable to share and we were pushed to be honest and self-reflective, which was very positive - focusing on our own individual areas for development and the practical tips for improving these.”


Download training guide

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