Network Rail needed to establish a baseline for employee health and wellbeing to support their 10-year wellbeing strategy, “Everyone Fit for the Future.” The organisation faced challenges in engaging employees to participate in a wellbeing survey and shifting their focus from behavioural safety to include physical and psychological health.
Key goals included gaining organisational buy-in for a long-term strategy, broadening engagement beyond safety, setting a wellbeing baseline for tracking progress, and demonstrating the business impact of improved employee health.
Robertson Cooper deployed the Good Day at Work Assessment, giving all employees access to personalised feedback reports on their health, wellbeing, and resilience. These Wellbeing Snapshot reports offered actionable insights and signposted resources, encouraging participation by framing the reports as a valuable employee benefit.
The aggregated survey data provided Network Rail with a clear picture of workforce wellbeing, revealing pressures impacting key business metrics and identifying areas requiring targeted support.
The data identified managers as critical to driving change. In response, Robertson Cooper designed a tailored training programme to enhance manager capability, covering topics such as stress identification, change support, and effective wellbeing conversations. The programme had a significant impact, with managers reporting an 18% increase in their ability to spot signs of stress, a 15% increase in their knowledge and skills to support teams through change, and a 14% increase in their ability to facilitate wellbeing conversations within their teams.
This collaborative effort created a wellbeing-focused culture, laying the foundation for sustainable improvement and positioning Network Rail to achieve long-term success.